Xin Lin 林鑫

Hi, I am Xin Lin (林鑫), a junior undergraduate student at SCU, majoring in Electronics and Information Engineering. Currently I’m a visiting student at UC Merced, supervised by Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang, working with Dr. Lu Qi from TikTok and Dr. Kelvin C.K. Chan from Google DeepMind. I am fortunate to co-work with Prof. Chao Ren from SCU and Prof. Jinshan Pan from NJUST.

I'm actively applying for a Ph.D. position in 2025 Fall!

profile photo

[2024.06] 🎉 I got the SenseTime Scholarship!
[2024.05] I became a reviewer for NeurIPS 24!
[2024.05] 🎉 I got the `TOP 100 Students in Sichuan University'!
[2024.04] I became a reviewer for Information Fusion!
[2024.03] I became a reviewer for ECCV 24!
[2024.01] I became a reviewer for ACM MM 24!
[2023.08] I became a reviewer for IJCV!
[2023.08] 🎉 Our work Low-light-rainy Image Restoration is on arXiv 🎉.
[2023.07] 🎉 Our work SCPGabNet is accepted to ICCV 2023! 🎉.

Research Interests

I am interested in Computer Vision, especially AIGC, 3D and Low-Level Image Processing related works.

Selected Publications
Unsupervised Image Denoising in Real-World Scenarios via Self-Collaboration Parallel Generative Adversarial Branches
Xin Lin, Chao Ren, Xiao Liu, Jie Huang, Yinjie Lei
ICCV, 2023
code & project page / Poster
Dual-Representation Interaction Driven Image Quality Assessment with Restoration Assistance
Jingtong Yue, Xin Lin, Zijiu Yang, Zeyu Han, Chao Ren
Under review, 2024
project page / arXiv
Multi-task Image Restoration Guided By Robust DINO Features
Xin Lin, Chao Ren, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Lu Qi, Jinshan Pan, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Under review, 2023
project page / arXiv
Unlocking Low-Light-Rainy Image Restoration by Pairwise Degradation Feature Vector Guidance Correspondence
Xin Lin, Jingtong Yue, Sixian Ding, Chao Ren, Lu Qi, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Under review, 2023
code / project page / arXiv
Multi-Scene Mask Detection Based on Multi-Scale Residual and Complementary Attention Mechanism
Yuting Zhou, Xin Lin, Shi Luo, Sixian Ding, Luyang Xiao, Chao Ren
Reviewer for NeurIPS’2024.
Reviewer for ECCV’2024.
Reviewer for IJCV.
Reviewer for Information Fusion’2024.
Reviewer for ACM MM’2023, 2024.
Reviewer for CVPR’2023.
UCM logo
University of California, Merced

Merced, CA, USA
Visiting student
Supervisor: Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang
Si Chuan University

Chengdu, Sichuan, China
GPA: 90.76/100 (rank 3/143)
B.Eng. in Electronics and Information Engineering.
SenseTime Scholarship (25 Students nation-wide).
National Scholarship (Top 0.2% nationwide, highest scholarship in China).
Top 100 Students in Sichuan University (100/60,000+).
Hua Wen Scholarship (Top 1% in Sichaun University).
First-class Scholarship, Sichuan University (Top 1% in Sichaun University).
Outstanding Student Award, Sichuan University (Top 1% in Sichaun University).
Chinese Mathematics Competitions first prize (Top 0.08% in Sichuan province).